Well it’s been a crazy past couple of months in this whirlwind summer... that has gone by all too fast! But the last month has been a complete blast! I have met some awesome people and done some pretty amazing things... including skydiving. Yup you heard me I went skydiving.
I don’t know how many people know this but I still go to Logan every week to work for the dentists’ office I work for up there, between friends in Logan and Salt Lake it has made for some awesome memories. A little over a month ago I went and floated the Oneida Narrows up by Preston , ID and discovered that I actually do have friends that live in Salt Lake which was a great discovery as it turns out because they have turned into some of the greatest friends I could ever ask for.
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SLC Bees game on the 4th with Riley and Lauren |
So following the oh so fun weekend in Logan of which was sometime around the end of June, the 4th of July was my next exciting event. My roommate, Kylie, me and some friends went and floated the frigid Provo river (no joke coldest water I’ve ever experienced #NotAFan) I then went to the Bees game with some friends which was sooo fun. If anyone wants to know of a good 4th of July tradition a Bees game and fireworks is definitely the way to go. I met up with some friends at the game where I didn’t really watch a whole lot of it except for the end when the Bees were tied at the bottom of the 9th and they ended up winning the game with a grand slam ending (Bases full, batter hits a homerun, 4 points, the most you can get in one play) And yes I looked up what that meant after it happened. After the exciting ending to the game we watched fireworks on the baseball field that were right by the stadium and maybe even a little too close since I got ash in my eye from it, regardless they were awesome! A great way to celebrate our country and the 4th of July!
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Top: Cache Season and my Mom at the Car Show. Bottom: Anna and I at Pat Benetar |
The next few days I spent in Logan with my family. It was the Cache Valley Cruise-In, a yearly tradition in Cache Valley where someone famous usually comes to sing (Pat Benetar this year) and old cars, new cars, and really nice cars participate in a car show, then on Saturday, cruise up and down main street. My mom and dad came down from Idaho and I my sis and her kids and the rents’ went to the car show while waiting for the Pat Benetar concert to start. My Dad, sis her husband and I all attended the concert in a downpour, we were just lucky to get covered seats, but as soon as the concert started it had stopped raining for the most part. I don't know how many people even know who Pat Benetar is, but she is great and we were all super impressed by how well she still sings considering how old she is. She kind of has a raspy rocker-smokers voice while speaking, but you’d never tell while she’s singing cuz she sounded just like she did in the 80’s. #Fact.
So the concert was a blast and then Saturday we helped my sister clean for people coming to look at her house and then went to the cruise-in. The cruise-in didn’t seem quite as big this year for some reason; however it was just as fun especially with a nephew that loves cars so he loved every minute of it!
So now onto how I ended up going Skydiving. Well it all started with a trip to the lake on Wednesday. I had cancelled some appointments to go and good thing I did or else I may not have ever had the fun weekend that awaited. I went boating with my friends Kyle and Riley and their friend Chandler (he’s a pro-wakeboarder kind of a big deal, oh yeah and he’s like really good, of course) Well Kyle, Riley and Chandler had all talked about how they were going to head to Moab this weekend for work but they were also going to be going skydiving. I was like wow cool good for you guys... didn’t think much of it, until we were at dinner and they invited me to go. I kind of dismissed the idea right away because I knew I would have to work the next day; however I also knew I had a really cool boss that would probably be ok with me leaving early. So long story short... I did end up asking he was all for me going and lo and behold a couple hours later I was in a truck with 3 guys on my way to
So when we got to
Well after our fun hummer tour we went to a hotel and didn’t sleep a wink as we anxiously awaited skydiving at 7 the next morning. So the next morning we got to the airport filled out the paper work (literally signed our lives away) and then they told me I was going to be the first to jump cuz I was the most scared, by far. So off we went up on that plane ride in which I was being recorded and photographed the whole time (who knew If I would ever do this again, I had to document it) but I can’t decide if that was a good or bad thing, cuz umm lets just say I was so scared my language became all kinds of colors.
So after about a 20 minute ride, I was strapped to my instructor and it was time to jump 10,000 feet from a plane. I thought I was going to die. The moment that airplane door opened a string of expletives hit my mouth that I am quite embarrassed of now, but at the time it seemed “highly” (hehe get it??) appropriate for the situation. So then we, my instructor Jimmy and I jumped. My eyes were closed at first... I was far too scared to look haha and we then began our free fall for 45 seconds going 120 mph. WHAT A RUSH. The chute opened after that and it was a smooth glide for landing, I even steered the parachute for a while as we glided back to the landing strip where I simply landed on my feet. Literally we came in and I stood up and all was good. :)
Seriously one of the Craziest feelings of my life, everyone needs the chance to go skydiving at least once. It’s one of the coolest experiences you’ll ever have and you won’t regret it. SO FREAKING FUN! Even though I was scared out of my mind... :) I can now say I did it! Here's a few of my favorite pics...
So after skydiving we went home. The Moab adventures were over but it was more fun jammed into a couple of days than I have had in years. And now that I think about it that night we went and saw Grown Ups 2 Which was absolutely hilarious. Like pee your pants think you’re going to die from laughing, hilarious. Seriously haven’t laughed that hard in a movie in my whole life. I highly recommend it if you have a sense of humor.
Which then leads to this latest weekend.... Ok everyone I MET BROOKS FROM THE BACHELORETTE. So how this all transpired was such: My friend Riley and my roommate Kylie and I decided to go to the Bees game on Friday. Well the Bees game was especially cool this time because the cast from the Sandlot was there. That’s right the original cast. This included... Squints, Ham, Yeah-Yeah, Tommy, and Timmy. They were signing autographs and after the game was over, they were on the field answering people’s questions. After the game they were planning on showing The Sandlot on the field to celebrate its 20th anniversary of the film, and as the crowd was asking the cast questions, I decided to go over there and get their picture. As I was standing in the back however trying to sneak a pic I look to my left, and there he was... in all his Bachelorette glory. BROOKS.
So I turned to him and said, “Hey are you Brooks” and he said, “Yes I am” so then my heart immediately started pounding and I knew I had to get a picture with him... but I was kinda the first person to recognize him so I didn’t want to make it this big thing... but then! A girl came up and asked for his picture and so that was when I knew it was ok for me to do the same... shaky and nervous as I was...#Starstruck so I let this girl take a picture of us and as she was taking the picture she asked Brooks “So did you win??” and then I chimed in and said oh so smooth and sarcastically... “Like he’s going to tell you that... he can’t say anything!” Then Brooks said, “Ha yeah, I can’t say anything hahahaha” (there was much laughter in this convo) So then I left and ran to Kylie panting and telling her that I just met Brooks and we ran back so she got a picture with him too. After taking a pic with Kylie and him he then said “cool nail ring” and that’s when I knew... if Des and him don’t work out I found my future spouse. He loves my ring he must love me right??? :) haha jk
So I turned to him and said, “Hey are you Brooks” and he said, “Yes I am” so then my heart immediately started pounding and I knew I had to get a picture with him... but I was kinda the first person to recognize him so I didn’t want to make it this big thing... but then! A girl came up and asked for his picture and so that was when I knew it was ok for me to do the same... shaky and nervous as I was...#Starstruck so I let this girl take a picture of us and as she was taking the picture she asked Brooks “So did you win??” and then I chimed in and said oh so smooth and sarcastically... “Like he’s going to tell you that... he can’t say anything!” Then Brooks said, “Ha yeah, I can’t say anything hahahaha” (there was much laughter in this convo) So then I left and ran to Kylie panting and telling her that I just met Brooks and we ran back so she got a picture with him too. After taking a pic with Kylie and him he then said “cool nail ring” and that’s when I knew... if Des and him don’t work out I found my future spouse. He loves my ring he must love me right??? :) haha jk
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The one and only, Brooks Forester and me :) |
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Riley, Kylie and I |
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Squints from Sandlot. |
This last Saturday I did a bonfire with some friends which was fun cuz we did a Sobe bomb. Those things are freaking cool. You put gasoline in a sobe bottle, put it in the fire and it makes a really big explosion. Wish I had gotten video, I know some of my friends did but I was too worried about not catching on fire so I didn’t bother...
And that has pretty much been my last couple of months! So much to catch up on but it has been a blast. I did just get a little bit of sad news however. My end date at UDOT has been changed from August 8th to the July 31st. So alas I will be saying goodbye to Salt Lake next week and moving back to Logan . A little bittersweet but I have been so grateful for the memories and my time here which has been so fun.
The 24th of July Pioneer day AKA celebrate Mormons day will be happening tomorrow and more adventures are sure to ensue... stay tuned.
PS my blog is no longer private.